• contact@eruditeafrica.com
  • +251 11 6687093 +251911505558

Banking Advisory

Our company offers a range of advisory services tailored to both financial institutions and their clients/ potential clients.

For Financial Institutions

With the entry of new players, Banks in Ethiopia are navigating more challenges today than ever before. An institution’s ability to identify critical needs and strategic business outcomes is paramount to its sustained success. Erudite Africa Investments works with banks, microfinance institutions, and Fintechs to help them pinpoint, address, and strategically align their needs and outcome targets with their

organization’s vision for near and long-term growth. EAI helps financial institutions reach the next level of performance through smarter technology decisions, reengineered critical processes, and meaningful business strategies.

EAI’s intervention does not only depend on internal process improvements, we also serve as independent contractors to undertake client due diligence to identify, screen, and select borrowers with our in-built company and business assessment tools. By partnering with us, Banks can improve their approval rates and delivery time.

For Clients

Before cooperating with any bank, a buyer should learn about bank fees, interest rates, and customer services. Asking an expert for advice could make one’s business up and running.

The idea behind our Bank advisory service was to create an efficient investment banking service for clients and Banks that would provide relevant insights into bank operations based on EIA’s Bank reviews. Clients would be able to make better decisions, and banks would enhance selling and cross-selling benefits through our pre-appraised clients.

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